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How to make the most of workwear trade shows


How to make the most of workwear trade shows

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  • Time of issue:2017-06-19

How to make the most of workwear trade shows

Workwear trade shows
Workwear trade shows are highly important when making contacts in the industry as well as meeting potential clients. Getting the most out of a trade show can only benefit your business, but it is a huge planning feat. Here in our guide, we’re breaking down the tasks which can make your trade shows go successfully for your business.
What to do before the trade show
Being organised and well researched before is crucial in order to make the most out of a great opportunity.
But first things first, ask the hosts if you can get some information about the people attending. Finding out who the potential customers are, the competitors and the potential collaborators are can only give you advantage.
It is also worth asking where you will be positioned in the trade hall. If you’re stuck in a place where you think you might not get a lot of attention, then ask to be moved! At workwear trade shows you might need to be focussing on certain products like hi-vis items which might need darker areas.
Planning what you need to take with you and what materials you need to have prepared is also key. Having a rough plan of your exhibit, as well as planning a smart outfit can make you look very professional.
You then need to think about who should be going to the event with you. If you’re planning on doing a demonstration, take along a specialist member of staff. At workwear trade shows this is crucial as workwear can save lives! Make sure to brief those who are going along, so you’re all giving potential customers the same information.
What to do at the trade show
Make yourself presentable and position your marketing materials appropriately. If you make sure to stand at the front of your stall and look engaged, the more likely you will seem to be approachable.
Don’t be afraid to change your strategy if you need to, sometimes a risk can pay off.
What to do after the trade show
Using the contacts you made, organise your notes on them and get in touch to find out if they are truly interested whilst you’re both still fresh in each other’s memory.  Also ask what they liked, disliked about the event – it’s a great opportunity to get some general feedback to improve what you do at the upcoming workwear trade shows.

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